Research Resources

EGOKITUZ makes available to other researchers several research results, resources and developed tools prototypes.

Pantalla principal de EvalAccessEvalAccess

EvalAccess is a web service (designed initially within the IRIS European project) to automatically evaluate the accessibility of web pages. The analysis is based on accessibility criteria easily upgradeable. This tool enables the incorporation of new accessibility guidelines. It can be used as a standalone application or as a WebService. In the latter case, any application can request an accessibility evaluation obtaining the report in XML format.

Imagen que muestra una pantalla de la herramienta USERfit Tool

USERfit Tool

USERfit is a well-established methodology focused on the generation of usability specifications. It was specifically created for the Assistive Technology field, and proved to be very suitable for the Design for All paradigm. This methodology uses paper-based forms to store and propagate the design related information. USERfit tool facilitates the inclusion and elimination of new users or contexts of use and propagation of the information between forms which otherwise could make the specification process quite tedious. More information.

Download USERfit Tool