"WhatWENeed" - Unmet Need of Assistive Technology Devices by Adults with Mobility Impairments for Home and Community Participation


14 April 2021 · ·

Are you 18 years old or older? Do you consider yourself a person with physical impairments and have a certificate that accredits that your level of disability is equal to or greater than 33%? Do you live in the Basque Country? Do you want researchers, developers, and politicians to know what you really need?

If your answers are yes and you would like to participate in our study, you can do so through this link https://redcap.link/EGOKITUZ_WhatWEneed_Euskadi or scanning the QR code you will find at the end to fill out the online questionnaires, or if you prefer, we will later give you the option to answer the questionnaires by phone or video call with a member of our group.  To let us know about your interest and to request us to call you when this option is available, you can send us an email to info@egokituz.eus or call us at +34 943 01 50 83. As a thank you for your time, each person who complete all the questionnaires will receive a gift card loaded with 20€.

Egokituz Laboratory. Faculty of Computer Science

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / University of the Basque Country

*The Principal Investigator of this study, Dr. Sandra M. Espín Tello, considers herself a person with a physical disability, with a level of disability higher than 65%.

* All data provided by participants is private and will not be related to any identifying information. In addition, the study has been favorably informed by the UPV/EHU Human Research Ethics Committee."